PreferredOne partners with Quit for Life to provide our members age 13 years or older free access to an effective tobaccoo cessation program to help them quit their tobacco or vaping habit.
Quit Coach - Unlimited phone support by an expert coach (talk or text) whenever you need it. Web Coach - Membership to a private online community where you can complete activities, track progress and join discussions with other participants.
Text2Quit - Enroll and connect with your coach via text from your mobile phone to manage urges and avoid relapse. Quitting Aids - Expert advice on nicotine replacement products - type, dose, duration and how to use most effectively.
Quit Guide - Easy to use printed reference workbook to use throughout your journey to help you stick to your plan. Live Vape Free - Access to facts and talking points about the effects of vaping. Expert guidance and education on how to talk to teens about vaping and a support line.
To learn more or enroll in the program call Quit for Life at 1.866.784.8454 or visit
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