Aetna Signature Administrators

Aetna Signature Administrators

Provider Directory Outside of Minnesota

PreferredOne has partnered with Aetna Signature Administrators to offer a nationwide provider network outside of the service area (MN, ND, SD, and WI). For the Aetna Signature Administrator network directory click "Find a Doctor" below and follow the prompt to start your search for participating providers.

Find a Doctor

PreferredOne members who have the Aetna Signature Administrators logo on their Member ID Card have access to the Aetna Signature Administrators network.

Member ID Card Image
  • For questions call PreferredOne Customer Service
  • Call Center Hours: 7:00 a.m - 7:00 p.m. CST, Monday - Friday
  • Twin Cities Area: 763.847.4477
  • Outside Metro Area: 1.800.997.1750
  • Fax: 763.847.4010