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This provider directory reflects the network as of 12/31/2023 and is subject to change after this date without notice.

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Dakota County Tiered Network

You are about to view provider information for the Dakota County Tiered Network. Providers have been divided into two tiers for this network. The provider tier you use will determine your benefit coverage.

  • By using providers in Tier 1, you will receive Tier 1 benefits and your costs and member responsibility will be less.
  • If you use providers in Tier 2, you will receive Tier 2 benefits and your costs and member responsibility will be more.

To determine your coverage, please review your benefit description materials for details regarding Tier 1 and 2 benefits.

Because provider tiering will sometimes change, it is important to regularly check network tiering information via this website or by contacting Customer Service at 763-847-4477 or (800) 997-1750.